Publications of year 2015
J. R. Peters and R. Patel.
Thinking Robotics: Teaching Robots to Make Decisions.,
February 2015.
R. Patel.
Robotic Surveillance and Deployment Strategies.
PhD thesis,
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California at Santa Barbara,
April 2015.
Keyword(s): Robotic Networks.
J. W. Simpson-Porco.
Distributed Control of Inverter-Based Power Grids.
PhD thesis,
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California at Santa Barbara,
September 2015.
Keyword(s): Power Networks.
Articles in journal, book chapters
P. Agharkar,
S. D. Bopardikar,
and F. Bullo.
Vehicle Routing Algorithms for Radially Escaping Targets.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
Keyword(s): Robotic Networks,
Vehicle Routing.
D. Borra,
F. Pasqualetti,
and F. Bullo.
Continuous Graph Partitioning for Camera Network Surveillance.
Keyword(s): Camera Networks,
Distributed Computing.
P. Jia,
A. MirTabatabaei,
N. E. Friedkin,
and F. Bullo.
Opinion Dynamics and The Evolution of Social Power in Influence Networks.
SIAM Review,
Keyword(s): Social Networks.
F. Pasqualetti,
F. Dorfler,
and F. Bullo.
Control-Theoretic Methods for Cyber-Physical Security: Geometric Principles for Optimal Cross-Layer Resilient Control Systems.
IEEE Control Systems,
Keyword(s): Secure Control Systems,
Power Networks.
R. Patel,
P. Agharkar,
and F. Bullo.
Robotic Surveillance and Markov Chains with Minimal Weighted Kemeny Constant.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Keyword(s): Robotic Networks.
J. R. Peters,
D. Borra,
B. E. Paden,
and F. Bullo.
Sensor Network Localization on the Group of Three-Dimensional Displacements.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
J. R. Peters,
V. Srivastava,
G. Taylor,
A. Surana,
M. P. Eckstein,
and F. Bullo.
Mixed Human-Robot Team Surveillance: Integrating Cognitive Modeling with Engineering Design.
IEEE Control Systems,
Keyword(s): Decision Making,
Vehicle Routing,
Mixed Teams.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dorfler,
and F. Bullo.
On Resistive Networks of Constant Power Devices.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,
Keyword(s): Power Networks.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
Q. Shafiee,
F. Dorfler,
J. M. Vasquez,
J. M. Guerrero,
and F. Bullo.
Secondary Frequency and Voltage Control of Islanded Microgrids via Distributed Averaging.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Keyword(s): Power Networks.
F. Pasqualetti,
F. Dorfler,
and F. Bullo.
A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Distributed Attack Identification.
In IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,
Osaka, Japan,
pages 5801-5807,
December 2015.
Keyword(s): Secure Control Systems.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dorfler,
and F. Bullo.
A solvability condition for reactive power flow.
In IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,
Osaka, Japan,
pages 2013-2017,
December 2015.
M. Todescato,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
R. Carli,
and F. Bullo.
Optimal Voltage Support and Stress Minimization in Power Networks.
In IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,
Osaka, Japan,
pages 6921-6926,
December 2015.
D. Kannapan.
Synchronization in Pulse-Coupled Oscillator With Delays and Mixed Excitatory/Inhibitory Coupling.
Master's thesis,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara,
June 2015.
Keyword(s): Oscillator Networks.
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Last modified: Fri Feb 21 11:17:58 2025
Author: bullo.
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