Professor Francesco Bullo - Research Group
Current PhD Students
Alexander Davydov (Ph.D. student, ME UCSB, davydov at
Gilberto Diaz-Garcia (Ph.D. student, ECE, UCSB), joint supervision with Prof Jason Marden
Anand Gokhale (Ph.D. student, ME UCSB, anand_gokhale at
Yohan John (Ph.D. student, ME UCSB, yohanjohn at
Abed Musaffar (Ph.D. student, ME UCSB, abed at
Simone Betteti (Ph.D. student, Universita’ di Padova, Italy), joint supervision with Professors Sandro Zampieri and Giacomo Baggio
Ruben Blasco-Aguado (Ph.D. student, SSM, Napoli), joint supervision with Prof Giovanni Russo
Madelyn Shapiro (Ph.D. student, CS UCSB, madelynshapiro at, joint supervision with Prof Ambuj Singh
Arie Ogranovich (Ph.D. student, ME UCSB, arieogranovich at
Arvind Ragghav (Ph.D. student, ME UCSB, arvindragghav at
Former PhD Students (and initial job placement)
Veronica Centorrino (Ph.D., Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Napoli, Jan 2025), Contracting Dynamics for Biologically Plausible Neural Networks and Optimization
Sean Jaffe (Ph.D. CS UCSB, Sep 2024) Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks: From Implicit Models to Memory Retrieval (pdf), Software Engineer, Celonis, New York City
Francesco Seccamonte (Ph.D., ME UCSB, Sep 2023) Bilevel Optimization in Learning and Control with
Applications to Network Flow Estimation (pdf), Staff Engineer for Autonomy Algorithms, Ford, Palo Alto
Kevin D. Smith (Ph.D., ECE UCSB, Mar 2023) Control and Estimation in Network Systems (pdf), Senior Algorithms Engineer, Utilidata, Providence, RI
Pedro Cisneros-Velarde (Ph.D., ECE UCSB, Jun 2021) Network Systems: Social networks, Epidemics, Optimization and Contraction Theory
(pdf), Machine Learning Scientist, VMware
Elizabeth Y. Huang (Ph.D., ME UCSB, Dec 2020) Networks of Coupled Oscillators and Social Network Structures of Teams
(pdf), GNC Engineer, Skyryse
Xiaoming Duan (Ph.D., ME UCSB, Dec 2020), Markov Chain-Based Stochastic Strategies for Robotic Surveillance
(pdf), Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong
Shadi Mohagheghi Ph.D., ECE UCSB, March 2020, Network Science of Teams: Dynamics, Algorithms, and Implications
(pdf), Technical Account Manager, MathWorks
Mishel George Ph.D., ME UCSB,
June 2018, Collective Cell Behavior and Design of Stochastic Surveillance Strategies
(pdf), Software Engineer, Planner and Controls, Waymo
Wenjun Mei Ph.D. ME UCSB,
Mar 2018, Modeling and Analysis of Social Network Dynamics:
Propagation, Learning and Structural Balance (pdf), Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Peking University
Jeffrey R. Peters Ph.D. ME UCSB, Jun
2017, Cooperative robotics and mixed teams (pdf),
Technical Account Manager, Yardi Systems Inc
Pushkarini Agharkar, Ph.D.,
ME UCSB, Jan 2016, Path Planning Algorithms for Robotic Agents
(pdf), Data
Software Engineer, Google, Toronto
John W. Simpson-Porco, Ph.D., ME UCSB, Aug 2015,
Distributed Control of Inverter-Based Power Grids (pdf), Assistant
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
Rush Patel, Ph.D., ME UCSB,
Apr 2015, Robotic Surveillance and Deployment Strategies
(pdf), Senior Director, GNC and Software at Skyryse
Florian Dorfler, Ph.D., ME UCSB, Sep 2013,
Dynamics and Control in Power Grids and Complex Oscillator Networks
(pdf), Associate Professor, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich
Anahita Mirtabatabaei, Ph.D., ME UCSB, Jun 2013,
Opinion Dynamics with Heterogeneous Interactions and Information Assimilation
(pdf), Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Glassdoor
Vaibhav Srivastava, Ph.D., ME UCSB, Dec 2012,
Stochastic Search and Surveillance Strategies for Mixed Human-Robot Teams
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University
Fabio Pasqualetti, Ph.D., ME UCSB, Sep 2012,
Secure Control Systems: A Control-Theoretic Approach to Cyber-Physical Security
(pdf), Professor, Mechanical Engineering,
UC Riverside
Joey W. Durham, Ph.D., ME UCSB, Jun 2011,
Distributed Coordination for Teams of Robots
Sr. Manager of Research and Advanced Development, Amazon Robotics
Sandra H. Dandach, Ph.D., ME UCSB, Jun 2011,
Topics in Sequential Decision Making: Analysis and Applications
(pdf), Advanced Technologies Research Lead, Meta
Karl J. Obermeyer, Ph.D., ME, UCSB, Jun 2010,
Visibility Problems for Sensor Networks and Unmanned Air Vehicles
Tracking Research Lead, Standard Cognition
Shaunak D. Bopardikar, Ph.D., ME, UCSB, Mar 2010,
Pursuit Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles
(pdf), Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University
Stephen L. Smith, Ph.D., ME, UC Santa Barbara, Aug 2009,
Task Allocation and Vehicle Routing in Dynamic Environments
(pdf), Professor and Canada Research Chair,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
Sara Susca, Ph.D., ECE, UC Santa Barbara, Dec 2007,
Distributed Boundary Estimation and Monitoring
(pdf), Systems Engineer, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Nikolaj Nordkvist, Ph.D., Math, Technical University of Denmark, Jan 2008,
Motion Control along Relative Equilibria
(pdf), Senior Staff Research Engineer, Gatik, Mountain View, CA
Ketan Savla, Ph.D., ECE, UCSB,
Dec 2007,
Multi UAV Systems with Motion and Communication Constraints
Associate Professor & John and Dorothy Shea Early Career Chair in Civil Engineering, University of Southern California
Ganguli, Ph.D., ECE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Apr 2007,
Motion Coordination for Mobile Robotic Networks with Visibility Sensors
(pdf), Head of Perception, PlusAI
Giuseppe Notarstefano, Ph.D., Information Eng.,
Universita’ di Padova, Mar 2007,
Optimization Strategies for Constrained Control Systems and Robotic Networks
(pdf), Professor, Universita’ di
Bologna, Italy
W. Todd Cerven, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003,
Efficient Hierarchical Global Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles
(pdf), Senior Engineer, Aerospace Corporation
Gregory J. Toussaint, Ph.D., ECE, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, May 2000, Robust Control and Motion Planning for
Nonlinear Underactuated Systems
(pdf), (Assistant
Professor, USAF Academy)
Former Postdocs and Research Associates
Sonia Martínez, Professor,
UC San Diego, USA
Jorge Cortés, Professor, UC San
Diego, USA
Kurt Plarre,
Analyst, ALMA Observatory, Chile
Ruggero Carli,
Associate Professor Universita di Padova, Italy
Gabor Orosz, Associate
Professor, University of Michigan, USA
Peng Jia, Data Analyst, Discover Financial Services, Arizona
Dario Paccagnan
Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Imperial College London
Saber Jafarpour Postdoctoral Scientist, Georgia Institute of Technology
Robin Delabays Assistant Professor, Energy Environment, HES-SO in Sion, Switzerland